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Untersuchen Sie diesen Bericht über amateur mature

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Try to relax as much as possible. A tense anus is more prone to not letting anything go through. If you force it, you could end up with a tear hinein the anus, which could later get infected.

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happen but probably won't can make it harder to enjoy the experience. "Look at it as a natural activity, so you don't need to do a lot of preparation," she says.

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Worth noting: Even if you and your partner aren’t worried about STIs or planning to switch between anal and vaginal penetration, using a condom may make you feel more comfortable if mess is a concern. Speaking of…

First things first: Figure out your safer-sex approach. Keep hinein mind that if you're not using a condom, anal sex is a higher-risk sex more info act, especially for the receiver. The rectum doesn't self-lubricate and its lining is more delicate than that of the vagina or mouth, meaning you’Response more likely to tear something during anal than during vaginal or oral sex, and tears can allow viruses or bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

This advice stumm stands if your partner ejaculates inside you. Though some people worry this could cause runny poops that resemble diarrhea, Dr. Frankhouse says this actually isn’t the case. For one thing, since poop usually isn’t hinein your rectum until you’Response close to expelling it, there’s no real opportunity for poop and semen to Zusammenstellung bekannter melodien.

It is also essential to use the correct liquid, such as saline solution, although it is OK to use tap water for douching from time to time. Always use lukewarm water, as hot water can damage the area.

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Short strokes are spitzenleistung if you’re using a dildo or penis, and “come hither” or side-to-side motions work great if you're using fingers. Beryllium sure to not prod or poke at this area, especially if you’Response stimulating the prostate because it can feel incredibly uncomfortable for the receiver.

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Otherwise, potentially harmful bacteria can hitch a ride into your vagina and cause all sorts of problems. "There's bacteria rein the urbar that you don't typically find rein the vagina, like E. coli, bacteroides, and peptococcus," says Abdur-Rahman. They can cause infections like bacterial vaginosis or even go further up into other parts of your reproductive anatomy like your uterus or fallopian tubes, possibly leading to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

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